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Oxford Nanopore Technologies Price List


Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
MinION Mk1D PackM1DPack

The MinION Mk1D is a cutting-edge, palm-sized sequencer enabling real-time sequencing in diverse environments. Designed to connect with modern laptops via its USB-C port, it is compatible with MinION and Flongle Flow Cells.


The MinION Mk1D is a cutting-edge, palm-sized sequencer enabling real-time sequencing in diverse environments. Designed to connect with modern laptops via its USB-C port, it is compatible with MinION and Flongle Flow Cells.



Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price

Compact benchtop system designed to run and analyse up to five MinION Flow Cells.


PromethION 24

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
PromethION 24PRM24CapEx

High-throughput, modular benchtop system. All the benefits of nanopore sequencing, massively paralleled.



Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
PromethION 2 IntegratedP2ICapEx

The P2 Integrated (P2i) is a self-contained benchtop device that can run up to two PromethION flow cells at a time and contains a fully-integrated compute.


P2 Solo

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
PromethION 2 Solo PackP2SoloProjectSP

Everything you need to explore the technology and investigate the potential of real-time analysis using the PromethION 2 Solo device.



Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
Flongle Advanced PackFLGMiniSP

The Flongle Advanced Pack enables users to get started with Flongle.

Flongle Starter packFLGIntSP

The Flongle Starter Pack enables users to get started with Flongle.



Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price

The ElysION device is a fully automated sample-to-answer sequencing platform build around the MinION flow cell. It is designed to simplify sequencing workflows and offers a range of end-to-end sequencing workflows.


Sequencing Kits

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
Direct RNA Sequencing KitSQK-RNA004

A sequencing kit optimised for sequencing native RNA with improved output and accuracy.

Ligation Sequencing Kit V14SQK-LSK114

A versatile sequencing kit optimised for modal raw read accuracy of Q20+ (99%+) with long read singleplex samples.

Native Barcoding Kit 24 V14SQK-NBD114.24

A versatile method of preparing barcoded sequencing libraries optimised for modal raw read accuracy of Q20+ (99%+) and long read multiplexed samples.

Ultra-Long DNA Sequencing Kit V14SQK-ULK114

An overnight method to prepare ultra-high molecular weight DNA for sequencing ultra-long reads (N50 >50 kb).

Ligation Sequencing Kit XL V14SQK-LSK114-XL

A versatile sequencing kit optimised for modal raw read accuracy of Q20+ (99%+) with long read singleplex samples.

Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14SQK-NBD114.96

A versatile method of preparing barcoded sequencing libraries optimised for modal raw read accuracy of Q20+ (99%+) and long read multiplexed samples.

Rapid Barcoding Kit 24 V14SQK-RBK114.24

Simple and rapid library preparation, with barcoding for up to 24 gDNA samples.

Rapid Barcoding Kit 96 V14SQK-RBK114.96

Simple and rapid library preparation, with barcoding for up to 96 gDNA samples.

Rapid Sequencing Kit V14SQK-RAD114

A simple and rapid library preparation method for genomic DNA optimised for speed with improved modal raw read accuracy.

Rapid PCR Barcoding Kit 24 V14SQK-RPB114.24

Rapid and simple method of preparing up to 24 barcoded samples for sequencing from 1-5 ng of gDNA using PCR.

16S Barcoding Kit 24 V14SQK-16S114.24

A sequencing kit that allows genus-level bacterial identification with barcoding for up to 24 samples.

Multiplex Ligation Sequencing Kit XL V14SQK-MLK114.96-XL

A sequencing kit optimised for high output and PCR-free low-plex sequencing of 2-3 samples for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS).

This uses our latest Kit 14 chemistry

Product lead time: 1 week

Direct RNA Sequencing Kit XLSQK-RNA004-XL

A sequencing kit optimised for sequencing native RNA with improved output and accuracy. Multiple samples can be processed simultaneously.

cDNA-PCR Sequencing Kit V14SQK-PCS114

A sequencing kit optimised for identification and quantification of full-length transcripts with highest output.

cDNA-PCR Barcoding Kit V14SQK-PCB114.24

A sequencing kit optimised for identification and quantification of full-length transcripts with highest output, including barcodes for up to 24 samples.

COVID Mini V14: 576 samplesC19MINI114

A simple, scalable and rapid method for sequencing up to 576 SARS-CoV-2 samples using our V14 chemistry.


Expansion Packs

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
Flow Cell Wash KitEXP-WSH004

The Wash Kit provides the reagents required to wash and reuse MinION™ and PromethION™ Flow Cells.

Flow Cell Wash Kit XLEXP-WSH004-XL

The Flow Cell Wash Kit provides the reagents required to wash and reuse MinION™ and PromethION™ Flow Cells on a higher scale.

Control Expansion KitEXP-CTL001

This kit contains Lambda to use as a control for all DNA sequencing kits.

RNA Control ExpansionEXP-RCS001

RNA Control Sample to support control runs for cDNA kits.

Flow Cell Priming KitEXP-FLP004

Additional flow cell priming reagents for our V14 kits.

Flow Cell Priming Kit XLEXP-FLP004-XL

Additional flow cell priming reagents for our V14 kits.

Sequencing Auxiliary Vials V14EXP-AUX003

The Sequencing Auxiliary Vials contain Sequencing Buffer (SB), Elution Buffer (EB), Library Solution (LIS) and Library Beads (LIB) with V14 flow cell priming reagents: Flow Cell Flush (FCF) and Flow Cell Tether (FCT).

Sequencing Auxiliary Vials V14 XLEXP-AUX003-XL

The Sequencing Auxiliary Vials XL contain Sequencing Buffer (SB), Elution Buffer (EB), Library Solution (LIS) and Library Beads (LIB) with V14 flow cell priming reagents: Flow Cell Flush (FCF) and Flow Cell Tether (FCT).

Native Barcoding Auxiliary Kit V14EXP-NBA114

Additional library preparation reagents for the Native Barcoding Kit 24 and 96 V14 (SQK-NBD114.24 and SQK-NBD114.96), and the Multiplex Ligation Sequencing Kit XL V14 (SQK-MLK114.96-XL).

Rapid Adapter Auxiliary V14EXP-RAA114

Additional Rapid Adapter and Adapter Buffer to enable customers to maximise the use of our rapid sequencing chemistry kits.

EEB ExpansionEXP-EEB001

Additional Extraction EB (EEB) for the Ultra-Long DNA Sequencing Kit V14 (SQK-ULK114).

Ultra-Long Auxiliary VialsEXP-ULA001

Additional library preparation reagents for the Ultra-Long DNA Sequencing Kit V14 (SQK-ULK114).

LFB ExpansionEXP-LFB001

Additional Long Fragment Buffer (LFB).

SFB ExpansionEXP-SFB001

Additional Short Fragment Buffer (SFB).

Short Fragment Eliminator ExpansionEXP-SFE001

An expansion pack designed for size selection of high molecular weight DNA samples to progressively deplete short fragments of <25 kb.

PCR ExpansionEXP-PCA001

PCR Primers (PRM) and PCR Adapters (PCA)

PCR Barcoding Expansion 1-96EXP-PBC096

The PCR Barcoding Expansion 1-96 (EXP-PBC096) is designed to allow the pooling and running together of multiple sequencing libraries.

PCR Barcoding Expansion 1-12EXP-PBC001

The PCR Barcoding Expansion 1-12 (EXP-PBC001) allows the pooling and running together of multiple sequencing libraries.

Midnight RT PCR ExpansionEXP-MRT001

An expansion kit containing all the required reagents and primers to generate reverse-transcribed and PCR-amplified material from SARS-CoV-2 RNA samples.


Flow Cells

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
Flow Cell (R10.4.1)FLO-MIN114

R10 is our nanopore chemistry designed to deliver highest consensus accuracy. Paired with the Kit 14 chemistry, R10.4.1 generates data at a modal accuracy above 99%.

FLO-MIN114.2025.001Flow Cell (R10.4.1)US$800.00
FLO-MIN114.2025.01212 Flow CellsUS$8,100.00
FLO-MIN114.2025.02424 Flow CellsUS$14,400.00
Flow Cell (RNA)FLO-MIN004RA

The RNA flow cell is designed to sequence RNA with improved consensus accuracy and output. Paired with our new Direct RNA Sequencing Kit (SQK-RNA004), RNA is prepared and the native RNA is sequenced through the nanopores.

FLO-MIN004RA.2025.001Flow Cell (RNA)US$800.00
FLO-MIN004RA.2025.01212 Flow CellsUS$8,100.00
FLO-MIN004RA.2025.02424 Flow CellsUS$14,400.00
PromethION Flow Cell Packs (R10.4.1)FLO-PRO114M

R10 is our nanopore chemistry designed to deliver highest consensus accuracy. Paired with the Kit 14 chemistry, R10.4.1 generates data at a modal accuracy above 99%.

FLO-PRO114M.2025.001PromethION Flow Cell Packs (R10.4.1)US$3,980.00
FLO-PRO114M.2025.0033 packs of 4 flow cellsUS$11,340.00
FLO-PRO114M.2025.0088 packs of 4 flow cellsUS$28,800.00
PromethION Flow Cell Packs (RNA)FLO-PRO004RA

The RNA flow cell is designed to sequence RNA with improved consensus accuracy and output. Paired with our new Direct RNA Sequencing Kit (SQK-RNA004), RNA is prepared and the native RNA is sequenced through the nanopores.

FLO-PRO004RA.2025.001PromethION Flow Cell Packs (RNA)US$3,980.00
FLO-PRO004RA.2025.0033 packs of 4 flow cellsUS$11,340.00
FLO-PRO004RA.2025.0088 packs of 4 flow cellsUS$28,800.00
Flongle ExpansionFLO-FLG114

The Flongle Flow Cell contains the proprietary sensory array and R10.4.1 nanopores required for all V14 kits using our Kit 14 chemistry.


ElysION: Plasticware

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
ElysION Disposable Tips Box Small - Box of 10ELY-TBS01

Pack of 10 disposable tip boxes for use with ElysION unit, compatible with 10, 50 and 200 μL refill insert tips, ANSI/SLAS format.

ElysION Disposable Tips Box Large - Box of 10ELY-TBL01

Pack of 10 disposable tip boxes for use with ElysION unit, compatible with 1,000 μL refill insert tips, ANSI/SLAS format.

ElysION Waste Bin - Box of 36ELY-WB01

Box of 36 waste bins for use with ElysION unit.

ElysION Disposable Tips - 10 µl - 24 Boxes of 96ELY-TIP0010

Pack of 24 boxes of 96 disposable 10 µl tips for use with ElysION unit.

ElysION Disposable Tips - 50 µl - 24 Boxes of 96ELY-TIP0050

Pack of 24 boxes of 96 disposable 50 µl tips for use with ElysION unit.

ElysION Disposable Tips - 200 µl - 24 Boxes of 96ELY-TIP0200

Pack of 24 boxes of 96 disposable 200 µl tips for use with ElysION unit.

ElysION Disposable Tips - 1000 µl - 24 Boxes of 96ELY-TIP1000

Pack of 24 boxes of 96 disposable 1000 µl tips for use with ElysION unit.


ElysION: Sample prep

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14SQK-NBD114.96

A versatile method of preparing barcoded sequencing libraries optimised for modal raw read accuracy of Q20+ (99%+) and long read multiplexed samples.

Rapid Barcoding Kit 96 V14SQK-RBK114.96

Simple and rapid library preparation, with barcoding for up to 96 gDNA samples.


ElysION: Flow cells

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
MinION & GridION Flow Cell (R10.4.1) FLO-MIN114

R10 is our nanopore chemistry designed to deliver highest consensus accuracy. Paired with the Kit 14 chemistry, R10.4.1 generates data at a modal accuracy above 99%.

FLO-MIN114.ELY.001Flow Cell (R10.4.1) US$800.00
FLO-MIN114.ELY.01212 Flow CellsUS$8,100.00
FLO-MIN114.ELY.02424 Flow CellsUS$14,400.00


Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
MinION Starter PackStarterPack

Everything you need to explore the technology and investigate the potential of real-time analysis.

MinION EnhancedEnhancedPack

Everything you need to explore the technology and investigate the potential of real-time analysis.

MinION Mk1B Standard SupportSTANDARD12M-MK1B

12-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.



Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
PromethION Advanced TrainingSUPP008

A comprehensive two and half-day training providing practical experience with advanced nanopore sequencing workflows and analysis.

GridION Advanced TrainingSUPP001

A 2.5 day training course, conducted on-site, for up to 4 participants. Work with one of our expert instructors to gain a comprehensive overview of our technology, and hands-on experience on running sequencing experiments on your GridION Flow Cells (x6) and two sequencing kits (x2) are included in this training.

MinION Rapid Starter TrainingSUPP1D

A comprehensive two-day training providing practical experience with an introduction to nanopore sequencing workflows and analysis.

On-site IQ/OQ/PQSUPP006

On-site installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ) and performance qualification (PQ). Available for GridION, PromethION 24 and PromethION 48.


Services - Device Warranty

Product nameSKUDescriptionList Price
MinION Mk1D Standard SupportSTANDARD12M-MK1D

12-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

GridION Standard SupportSTANDARD12M-G

12-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

GridION Standard Support (2 year)STANDARD24M-G

24-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

GridION Standard Support (3 year)STANDARD36M-G

36-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P2 Solo Standard SupportSTANDARD12M-P2S

12-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P2 Solo Standard Support (2 year)STANDARD24M-P2S

24-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P2 Solo Standard Support (3 year)STANDARD36M-P2S

36-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P2i Standard SupportSTANDARD12M-P2I

12-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P2i Standard Support (2 year)STANDARD24M-P2I

24-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P2i Standard Support (3 year)STANDARD36M-P2I

36-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P24 Standard SupportSTANDARD12M-P24A

12-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P24 Standard Support (2 year)STANDARD24M-P24A

24-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P24 Standard Support (3 year)STANDARD36M-P24A

36-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P48 Standard SupportSTANDARD12M-P48A

12-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P48 Standard Support (2 year)STANDARD24M-P48A

24-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.

P48 Standard Support (3 year)STANDARD36M-P48A

36-month support plan designed to ensure your instrument is performing optimally by providing repairs and/or replacement services and software updates.
