Sample Prep

Native Barcoding Kit 96 V14 SQK-NBD114.96

A versatile method of preparing barcoded sequencing libraries optimised for modal raw read accuracy of Q20+ (99%+) and long read multiplexed samples.
This uses our latest Kit 14 chemistry
- Preparation time: 140 minutes
- Read length: = to fragment length
- Input amount: 400 ng per sample of gDNA, 200 fmol per sample (130 ng for 1 kb amplicons)
- Products from Oxford Nanopore Technologies that have completed their Early Access
- Users can continue to provide feedback through feature request pinboard
- Warranty periods extended to 1 – 3 months
- Product continues to iterate with upgrade notifications of up to 3 months
- Lead time visible in store
- Product subject to availability
Rapid Barcoding Kit 96 V14 SQK-RBK114.96

Simple and rapid library preparation, with barcoding for up to 96 gDNA samples.
This uses our latest Kit 14 chemistry
- Preparation time: 60 minutes
- Read length: Random distribution, dependent on input fragment length
- Input amount: 200 ng dsDNA per sample
- Products from Oxford Nanopore Technologies that have completed their Early Access
- Users can continue to provide feedback through feature request pinboard
- Warranty periods extended to 1 – 3 months
- Product continues to iterate with upgrade notifications of up to 3 months
- Lead time visible in store
- Product subject to availability